About Nimax

Nimax was founded in 1999 in Luxembourg to audit customer service quality of companies operating in Europe.

Mission Statement

“To be the leading European consulting company in auditing customer experience quality in various sectors by using mystery shopping as main audit tool and by using the Nimax partners as European co-drivers”




The reasons for the creation of Nimax were:

  • A growing need to help international companies in the service industry to continuously audit the performance of their people and to help them in improving their customer experience
  • The founders had quite some international experience in marketing and auditing by serving customers throughout Europe
  • There was an increasing popularity of mystery shopping as research technique for the review of quality performance
  • Several US audit companies were approaching Europe, following their international US clients, but these companies made the mistake of thinking that Europe is similar to US
  • The company was established in Luxembourg as location for the important connotation of confidentiality, which is a core value of the company and its  management. After all no client likes communicating about his or her own imperfections.

In the last years a strong experience has been built in sectors as interim offices, banking and insurance companies, fast-food chains, cars dealerships, franchise networks, call centres, air-passenger traffic and leisure industry, hotels and restaurants, and other customer-oriented businesses.

Today Nimax serves national and international clients throughout Europe.

NIMAX: Auditing Customer Experience Quality throughout Europe

Audit activities