Gain staff awareness of standards
The feedback you receive from our mystery shopping program continually reinforces operational and training standards among employees and assists in incorporating these standards into a bonus and/or recognition program. When your staff and management understand, accept and focus on set standards, this will translate into higher turnover and an increase in productivity.
Encourage excellence
Nimax can provide comprehensive reports that rank and trend store, region, district and company-wide performance in customer service, product quality, and location appearance and atmosphere. This helps drive competition among stores and regions, thus increasing productivity and improving customers’ overall experiences.
Research at a lower cost
Mystery shopping can provide feedback on specific products or menu items, thereby saving marketing money on costly focus groups. Nimax can develop special evaluation tools to be implemented over a specific period of time or in a specific region to measure the customer perception of a new item. This can provide valuable product information before a full release of a new item. Nimax can also implement additional shops at new or under-performing locations to provide more detailed information about strengths and opportunities for improvement.
Monitor cost controls
Nimax can assist with cost controls. Our unknown customers can determine if all items were charged correctly and included on the bill. They can also determine if proper change is given, thus identifying another potential source of “shortage”. Such problems can be easily corrected with careful monitoring and follow-up.
Improve customer experiences
The most apparent benefit of a mystery shopping program is the opportunity for improvement in customer service and the customer’s general experience. This leads to increased repeat and referral business. Overall satisfaction questions can be asked in an evaluation. Nimax’s unknown customers can describe the most pleasing aspect of their experience, what they feel could be improved, and whether they would recommend the establishment to others. Other comments throughout the evaluation also allow you to see how each location could have improved their score and the customer’s experience.
Evaluate product quality
The consistency of product quality over time and between locations is simply monitored with a mystery shopping program. This will draw attention to inadvertent changes in cooking and food storage procedures for restaurants as well as changes in manufacturing and merchandising for retail businesses.
Maintain management visibility
Nimax can note whether the manager is visible in the location. Does he or she interact with the customers? An active and visible manager will improve the performance of the staff and generally increase customer satisfaction.