It is one of Nimax’s key drivers not to reveal any details about its clients. There are several reasons for. First of all Nimax is engaged by its clients to look for the imperfections in their organisation. No company likes communication about his/her own imperfections.
The strategy of Nimax not to reveal any client’s name has strengthened its relationship with the more serious clients who understand the importance of discretion.
More-over Nimax signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with its clients in order to guarantee that their identity, their way of working, their managers and the research outcome will remain confidential. After all Nimax works for leading European companies who sometimes are competitors of each other. It would not be correct if Nimax would share ‘worse practices’ i.e. a weakness of a company, among the competition.
Most European companies appreciate this professional discretion which Nimax values as of utmost importance for a good and trustworthy working relationship with its clients.